Best offers in Health niche

Andrew Olekh
5 Min Read

We continue our series of materials about niches. In search of the legendary elders – the guardians of niches, we travel around the world and discover Masters in the most unexpected places. Before meeting with the keeper of the Health niche, we were a little worried. It is clear that they took the form of a beautiful girl, but taking into account our history, I would not want to have a conversation while lying in an intensive care bed or receiving injections.

Seeing our excitement, the Guardian reassured us that there would be no unpleasant procedures today. “We’re talking about affiliate marketing, but we haven’t yet learned how to give injections online.” We countered that that didn’t stop the custodian of the entertainment niche from taking us on a rollercoaster ride all night. “Well, okay, if you don’t like hospitals that much, let’s watch the TV series “House.” But we decided to stand firm and said that we don’t like medical detective stories either, or even comedies. Therefore, neither “Scrubs” nor “ We won’t watch MES.

Then the Guardian invited us to lie down on a comfortable couch and ask our questions from there. After all, psychotherapy is also a part of medicine.

“Health niches – no band-aid required. Ha-ha, medical humor. Legend has it that at the dawn of the Internet, the first user, immediately after posting a cat, the next action was to get an online diagnosis for himself. Billion dollar market of medicines, services and related products is difficult to resolve. And for those who trust only living doctors, there are always online appointment services.”

“The market for prescription and over-the-counter drugs is estimated at hundreds of billions. Ordering and delivering these products online is sometimes not just a convenience, but for many a vital necessity. And we are not even touching here on near-medical products like dietary supplements and other useful additives. Keeper of the Fitness niche is more likely told you all about this. And there is also veterinary medicine, which another Guardian told you about. Like many other online niches, the 2020 pandemic played an important role in the growth of the popularity of online medicine.”

“Well, now let’s talk about sub-niches. For example, a person should have 32 teeth. Not everyone has the same number, but everyone wants to have a beautiful smile. And this opens up good opportunities for affiliate marketing, from making an appointment with the dentist to related goods in the form of toothpastes, mouth guards, etc. And a person also has two eyes. The market for eye patches is under the control of the Guardian of the Pirate niche. But glasses for vision are mine, and this is a very good market. After all, the same can be said about almost every human organ individually.”

“Well, last in line, and not least important, is mental health. You’re lying on the couch right now, right. This niche is growing even faster than others. Online consultations and online couches will become commonplace in the coming years. And psychiatry, in a commercial sense, is taking over the online market incredibly quickly.”

“I hope you slept well and feel healthy. Although healthy sleep also somehow belongs to the Pirate niche. They seem to just grab any niches that come their way. Well, oh well, more on that another time. For now here’s a three-digit consultation fee and a list of the best offers in Moonrover. Use it wisely”:

Philips (UK) – medical equipment – 46.15% per subscription

Singular Medicamentos (BR) – medicine shop – 3.84% payout

Oral B (UK) – oral hygiene products – up to 7.69% payout

iHerb (WW) – healthcare products and vitamins – 3,07% payout

Glasses Direct (UK) – prescription glasses – 3,07% payout

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