How to run Social Media page

Andrew Olekh
6 Min Read

As part of the useful materials section, we turn to the best experts in their field for advice. This time we asked our content maker to tell us how to properly maintain a company page on social networks. The spirit of Edgar Allan Poe told us about the intricacies of his profession and shared his secrets as best he could.

Conducting an interview through a séance table is not very easy and takes quite a long time, so we present our conversation with minor edits for ease of reading. For example, this article will take you about three minutes to read, rather than the eight hours it took us to interview.

You are the spirit of a fairly famous writer, why did you agree to run a social page for an affiliate network?

“You know, there aren’t many ways to have fun in the spirit world, and there’s an eternity ahead.” That’s why we rejoice at any activity here. They promised to supply us with table tennis, but this promise remained a promise. And maintaining a social page is a good activity that requires concentration so as not to fall into a somnambulistic state, as most local spirits do. After all, the main thing in this work is regularity. The social page must be filled out regularly.

– Is there a good time to post on social networks?

– Yes, of course it’s Wednesday from 12 noon. That’s what the statistics say. But in the world of spirits, time flows differently, so on Wednesday we don’t publish anything at all, and we don’t know when it’s noon in the world of the living.

– Do you use scheduling tools?

– They say it’s useful, but ghosts have a very high sense of responsibility, and that’s why we never leave unfinished business.” And if for some reason we don’t do something on time, we suffer a lot. Howling and shaking our chains. So we have news on Mondays, Tuesdays and an article on Thursdays. This is the unshakable order of things and we don’t need to be reminded of it.

What are the general rules for blogging?

– Yes, you know everything yourself. Follow trends, use any reason for hype. But I am a quarrelsome spirit and therefore always despise rules. This gives me a sense of my own individuality and, as a result, a unique voice. And in the world of content, this is much more important than posting memes about another acclaimed Netflix series.

– But you do that too.

– Of course, but only when it looks rebellious.

– Tell us about tone of voice, they talk about it a lot when it comes to creating content.

– You can talk about this as much as you like, but it’s impossible to teach. I’ve been called the father of horror, and who do you think taught me that? Nobody. I was just being myself. Therefore, when I run a social page, you hear my voice. And if, say, I worked in the beauty industry, I would write articles using only emojis. Because that’s how it is done there.

You just said two contradictory things.

– Great, it seems you have begun to understand what true rebellion is.

– Is statistics important on a company’s social page? Interactive?

– Well, yes, what can we talk about here? Everyone has access to statistics on views, reactions and actions. Even children can use this. Comparing posts and their popularity is not that difficult. It’s another matter when you make some posts for reputation. There are very important things. For example, my last year’s posts about birdwatching, it’s important to talk about it, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s popular or not.

– Speaking of last year’s posts, are you using ideas a second time?

– Not yet. But considering that I am a spirit, and I have an entire eternity ahead of me, I think one day I will have to return to them.

– And the last question, what gives you the greatest pleasure from your work?

– With the exception of posts about birdwatching, this is of course fair pay. I get paid in pizza sides. The best food for spirits. This may seem absurd to you now, but one day you will understand how right I was.

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