History of Moonrover. Part 2

Andrew Olekh
4 Min Read

In the first part of our story, we told you how Anthony Moonrover the First hunted evil rhinoceroses, and his son unknowingly took the path of affiliate marketing and built a Victorian mansion. In the second part, we will continue the exciting history of our company, and you will find out who should not be confused with Coco Chanel.

The heiress of the Moonrover family, the daughter of Anthony Moonrover II, Margaret Moonrover, inherited the best traits of her ancestors: her grandfather’s irrepressible enthusiasm and her father’s romantic nature. In her youth, she became interested in spiritualism, which was fashionable at the time, and so a table for spiritualistic seances appeared in the Moon Rover mansion (which later became our office on the moon). 

Margaret achieved great success in communicating with spirits, but the closest ghost to her was the rebellious spirit of the writer Edgar Allan Poe, our content manager, who still works for the company today. There is another story about how he fell in love with pizza edges, but the time for it has not yet come.

Margaret led an active social life in the troubled world of the early 20th century with its Spanish flu epidemics, World War I and technological progress, but then she began to be constantly confused with Coco Chanel, and Margaret’s sensitive nature could not stand this endlessly repeating scene. For the next, probably thousandth time, when she was confused with Coco Chanel, Margaret left the old world in her heart forever and settled in Egyptian Alexandria. She spent the rest of her life tasting and systematizing alcoholic cocktails, about which she left detailed, but absolutely illegible notes.

Her son Anthony Moonrover III, who grew up in an atmosphere of oriental decadence, nevertheless retained a healthy commercial streak. And having reached adulthood, he moved to America. The Great Depression was just beginning here, and it was not easy to find an application for her commercial talents.

Disappointed in his career and the international situation in general, Anthony Moonrover III moved to his ancestors’ Victorian mansion, where he began to study the endless starry sky. And when he wasn’t looking through a telescope, he was engrossed in his grandfather’s diaries. That’s how, apparently, he came up with the idea of moving to the moon.

However, this dream had to be realized by his son Anthony Moonrover IV. It’s very convenient that NASA was created at that time, otherwise Anthony Moonrover IV could have become interested in hippie ideas and then we would never have ended up on the moon and would not have taken up affiliate marketing. It’s good that history does not know the subjunctive mood.

In the next, final installment of our story, we’ll tell you how our company was involved in the moon landing, why Buzz Aldrin hasn’t left our planet’s satellite yet, and perhaps we’ll finally figure out what our staff astronomer is doing (we never figured it out the last time, and still have no idea).

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