Offers with the fastest payouts

Andrew Olekh
6 Min Read

We continue to introduce you to our employees in the office on the Moon, and at the same time to our best offers. And today we will tell you about the most… What just flew by? Did you notice? It was a payment! So we will tell you about the offers with the fastest payouts.

In the last issue, we finally found out what our full-time astrologer does. You can learn about CPL offers and the poetic beauty of the starry sky here. And today we are in for a much more dynamic dialogue with our manager responsible for payments and part-time pilot of our lunar rover. Yes, Moonrover has its own moonrover. Let’s end this play on words here, because we are in a hurry.

Our interlocutor today is dressed in a spacesuit with a pattern of flames, eagles and cheetahs. He really seems to like speed. We descend the fire pole into the hangar where our moonrover is parked, and without waiting for depressurization, we drive out onto the surface of the Moon. Our gravity here is significantly lower than on Earth, and the speed feels different, especially when our payout manager is behind the wheel.

Once we get a little used to the feeling of being on the first roller coaster, we ask our interlocutor about fast payouts. “Any payouts are good, but fast ones are the best. You know, I won’t point fingers, because if I let go of the wheel, we’ll fall into some crater, but any travel offers with a long approval period, until a person books a ticket in advance, until they get there, until the confirmation arrives, until the advertiser pays us… All of these things can drag on for a very long time. Maybe this is not bad, for those who know how to wait, but life is not eternal. Sometimes you just want to make a profit.”

It’s hard to argue with that, especially at 200 km/h, when you’re racing across the lunar surface, and the voice of a person who’s very passionate about his business is playing in your helmet headphones. “Many affiliates, unfortunately, don’t have unlimited budgets. And when you’ve spent money on an advertising campaign, you’re waiting for profits to throw that money into the next campaign and earn even more. It’s logical! But if your money is stuck somewhere between a tourist sipping warm beer somewhere on the hot islands and an advertiser’s manager sipping cold coffee somewhere in the depths of a plastic office, and you want to get your well-deserved payout at that moment, then that’s where offers with fast payouts come in.”

We fly over the top of the crater, as if on a springboard, and while our low-gravity jump lasts, we manage to ask the question of how to distinguish a fast offer from a slow one? “Well, usually it is visible in statistics, but statistics are a good thing when you look at them just for fun, and it is a completely different thing if your money is on it. A very curious effect, it seems as if time slows down. It is also similar to that feeling when you have chosen one of two long lines and it definitely seems to you that the line in which you are not – moves much faster.”

We agree with this wonderful metaphor, and then an obvious, but not quite timely question comes to us: where are we rushing to? “We’re on the moon, buddy, the signal from the ground comes to us with a delay, but if we drive from the office to the top of that mountain, we’ll get the information faster. We’re about to receive payment from the advertiser, and I don’t want to waste a second sending it to our affiliates.” 

There’s no point in arguing here, and while we’re chasing a quick signal, we simply admire the lunar views. Gray rocks, mud and craters. But upon returning, before our interlocutor has time to climb up the fireman’s pole with astonishing speed, we manage to ask which offers have the fastest payouts. He throws a list at us and we manage to catch it on the fly:

EcoFlow (WW) – solar panels and generators – 3.845%

Brevo (WW) – email, SMS and chat tools – $76.90

Zazzle (US) – personalized gifts shop – 7.69%

Paramount+ (US) – streaming service – $9.12 (WW) -online photography portfolio – 38.46%

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