Count Promotakula

Andrew Olekh
3 Min Read

We will start a series of materials about our office staff, and the first of them will be our consultant and legendary webmaster Count Promotakula, also known as Vlad Traficepes. We descend into the basement of our office, past the boiler room and the abandoned billiard room, into the Count’s office.

Is it true that you are the oldest living webmaster on earth?

– Yeah, but it’s worth adding that I was the first.

– Tell us, what is it like to promote offers in the late Middle Ages?

– The life of a webmaster has never been easy, neither then nor now. Each era has its own difficulties. When I started, the whole idea of spa marketing was new to people, in some places you could get burned for it.

– Speaking of victims, you are often accused of mass executions.

– I would not call it that, it was a one-time action, we tested different types of banners. Well, you know, you need something flashy to grab attention.

– People on stakes?

– Yes, it was trendy back then. But you know, in the end, the more conservative signs of the merchant guilds turned out to be cheaper. And then companies massively began to ban traffic containing violence. By the way, this remains to this day.

– But you’ve built up a certain reputation since then…

– Listen, all that drives me is a thirst for income that never subsides for a moment, and I am ready to shed seas of traffic to satisfy it.

Shed seas of traffic and blood…

– Let’s next question

– They say that you sleep during the day and stay awake at night.

– It’s true, it’s all about the difference in time zones, I’m currently working with the Asian market, I have to break the rhythm.

– Do you sleep in a coffin?

– Don’t you have a cover on your bed? Not? It is very strange. Probably, the whole point is that you grew up in a castle where the ceiling does not leak.

– Let’s blitz at the end. What is your favorite vertical?

– Fin services.

– The three most important things for a webmaster?

– Thirst for income, sleep under cover and read newsletters

– Wishes to the readers of our blog.

– Love and health.

– Seriously? Is this how we end up?

– Exactly.

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