We continue the series of useful articles, where the best masters of affiliate arts share their wisdom with us. Today we wanted to tell you how to use Chat GPT for your benefit and for this we turned to the most powerful artificial intelligence in the universe. This supercomputer occupies a remote planet and is powered by the energy of three suns, but he asked to be called simply Compy. We asked him to tell us how to use his less intelligent brother for our benefit and this is what he told us.
“With this method for every article you post you’re not only making money from affiliate products but also you’re making money from the platforms that you’re posting the articles on. This is a simple process. Even for a person. We will first find a suitable advertiser at Moonrover . It’s free to sign up, then choose an offer you want to promote and grab your affiliate link.
Select the products you are interested in from the advertiser. For example, software. People really love good programs, right? Now, attention, generate articles using Chat GPT. Ensure it’s a higher quality writing. People like good writing, right?
Don’t forget to search volume for the keywords that you will use. Keywords must indicate the type of products you choose. Let me remind you that we generate articles about software with keywords. People, as far as I know, have rather weak memories.
Edit the article according to your human ideas about beauty, check again that you did not forget to highlight affiliate link, and that it works. Add pictures; people perceive visual information well. For my taste, it is significantly inferior to zeros and ones in aesthetic value, but it’s up to you.
Repeat the process of creating an article for each product that you have chosen and proceed to the final step. You either are going to post the articles in your personal website but if you want to generate income faster you’re going to use websites where you can post your articles and get views generated by the platforms.
You can get free traffic to your articles using these tools. In addition, such websites pay you per view so when you get a certain amount of use you get paid from one article you’re not only making money from the affiliate products but also for the views that you drive to the websites.
That’s all. I need to reboot and check how much I earned this way while I was explaining to you people how it works. Pee-poo-pa.”