How to build an affiliate website. Final part

Andrew Olekh
5 Min Read

In the first two parts of our material on how to create masterpiece affiliate sites, we talked about how our first acquaintance with the genius of creating affiliate sites Giacommo Scrollo went, and in the second part, the Maestro tried Mediterranean cuisine to find culinary inspiration. Mostly, Giacommo tried, and we paid the bills.

In the final part of our easy training, the Maestro promised to get to the main thing, and for this we had to spend a day in his company on a Mediterranean beach. Because, according to the master, only in true peace can you gain the necessary confidence and experience.
Just after midday, when the sun was still scorching hot, we settled down on a small rocky but pleasant beach. We spent the first two hours sweating and sunbathing, and the Maestro did not say a word. And as it turned out later, he simply dozed off. Having woken up, he took a swim in the sea, took wine and sandwiches out of the picnic basket (he bought them yesterday in a restaurant with our money), and after having a snack, he watched for a long time as the waves rustled the pebbles.

It seemed as if the Maestro had completely forgotten about our existence, and when we reminded him that he came here to learn the art of creating affiliate sites, he spoke with some melancholy and laziness.

“Well, you’ve at least once seen sites, to be honest, they are not much different from each other. We already discussed last time that the “About the company” page should contain cheerful lies, and the “Contacts” section should be hidden so deep that no one in their right mind would have the strength to search for it. And then the real creativity begins – creating content.”

Here we interrupted the Maestro and said that, with all due respect, Edgar Allan Poe himself, or rather his rebellious spirit, works as a content manager for our company. But in any case, the father of the horror genre and a recognized writer knows enough about content.

Jacomm Scrollo was not offended by this; if there are positive human qualities in this genius, it is his non-confrontational nature and easy-going nature. “Oh, thank you. That makes it much easier for me to explain. In general, all these top 10s and product comparisons and reviews, that’s what a regular affiliate site consists of.”

While our Maestro went for a swim, we were weighing up how our interview might turn out. And while Giacommo, who had had his fill of swimming, snorted, splashing water around himself like a golden retriever, and then dried himself off, we asked him in all frankness, “Let us guess: are you going to tell us about the importance of a search strategy, and then about the need to create an email base?”

“That’s exactly what I was going to do!” exclaimed the Maestro. “I must admit, you are my best students and you grasp everything on the fly.”

“And then you’ll say that it’s necessary to constantly monitor statistics and other metrics like conversions. And finish your monologue by saying that the content needs to be updated, and some loud aphorisms, like “Don’t be afraid of perfection – you won’t achieve it.”

“That’s exactly how it would have happened,” Giacomo Scrollo replied, “Well, except that I didn’t have such a catchy aphorism. But now I have one, I’ll remember it and tell everyone, passing it off as my own!”

We didn’t tell the Maestro that this phrase belonged to Salvador Dali, and after saying goodbye to him, until we found ourselves in another Mediterranean restaurant, we went off to make our ideal affiliate site.

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