History of Moonrover. Part 1

Andrew Olekh
4 Min Read

Usually the “About the Company” section is shoved into the most inaccessible part of the site, and all sorts of boring things are written there. Because they have nothing to tell. The history of our company is not like that, and it begins in the 19th century, when the famous adventurer Anthony Moonrover killed the most evil rhinoceros.

Sir Anthony Moonrover loved three things more than anything in the world: adventure, mustaches and pith helmets. He traveled around the world combining all these three components within himself and did not think about anything else. So, unbeknownst to himself, he squandered all his wealth and had to shave his mustache, the care of which required a decent investment of money and free time. Having become impoverished, Sir Anthony Munrover thought for the first time about income. At first, he tried to hunt evil rhinoceroses, but it did not bring profit, and it was also dangerous, and after killing the next one, he raised his eyes to the heavens and married a rich widow.

To this marriage his son Anthony Moonrover II was born. Not unlike his father’s health or enthusiasm, Anthony Moonrover II was a dreamer. In his long and boring diaries, he wrote about his desire to go to the moon and build an office for an affiliate company there. At that time, no one except H.G. Wells was thinking about going to the moon, and the affiliate business did not exist at all. Thus Anthony Munrover II was far ahead of his time.

Meanwhile, the Victorian era was ending, and with it, pith helmets, hunting for rare species, the stories of H.G. Wells and other things now condemned went into oblivion. However, the mansion of Anthony Moonrover II ended up on the moon centuries later and became the office of an affiliate company, as its first owner had dreamed of. Although it cost a lot to deliver the office to the moon, the costs were later recouped due to the low rental price.

Immediately after the house was built somewhere in the middle of the 19th century, Count Promotakula, the oldest affiliate on earth, started living in the basement. Whether this was a coincidence or whether Anthony Moonrover II attracted him with his affiliate marketing dreams, no one knows. But the immortal Count has not parted with the house since then and was transported to the moon as an integral part of it. We are happy to announce that Promotakula is still an employee of our company and even gives his advice to beginning affiliates.

Next week we will tell you how a seance table appeared in our office, how the rebellious spirit of Edgar Allan Poe got in touch with us, and what our staff astronomer does (we ourselves would like to know, we haven’t seen him for six months, and it’s time to understand where did he go?).

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