Free Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing

Andrew Olekh
5 Min Read

As you know, we always turn to the best experts in their field for answers to our questions. However, our next expert is a rather controversial person. The Hunter for free traffic, he doesn’t even have a name, they just call him Hunter.

His face is weathered and scarred, his eyes peer out with a frightening intensity from beneath the wide brim of his hat. And his voice is like the low growl of a predator, which is exactly what he is. He seems to be absentmindedly scrolling through a social media feed, but don’t let that relaxed appearance fool you. He’s on the hunt.

“The number one rule of successful hunting is to think like your prey. Someone less sophisticated would call it “audience research,” but that’s for sissies in clean shirts. Do I look like one? I never wash my shirt, I just wear it until it falls apart, then put on a new one. But you didn’t come to talk about shirts, did you? You came to talk about hunting for free traffic. And when people say traffic, they add the word “source.” And where does game come to drink, right, to the source. And there your prey stands over the source, its ears twitching alertly, its legs ready to run at any moment, it looks around. All is clear. The prey bends down, starts drinking, and before you know it, your affiliate link has emerged from the depths of the source. Faster than you can blink. One click and the prey is caught.”

“What is a free traffic source, you ask me? It is pure traffic without paying for advertising. Some will say that this is old-fashioned, but I will say that there is no dignity in traffic attracted by advertising. Anyone can buy an advertising campaign, and catching traffic with your bare hands, as our ancestors did, is a real thing. Have you made your way through the thickets of social networks, erased your fingers on email newsletters, plunged into the swamps of community forums, did its live organic search traffic beat in your hands? Then you know what the thrill of the hunt is.”

“Many hunt for traffic using the good old affiliate link, but experienced hunters attract prey to their own hunting grounds, to their own sites. Places filled with the most sophisticated marketing traps, places from which the prey can no longer escape.”

“You will say that social networks limit access to external links? Ha-ha, and you would like everything to be simple? Correct placement of a link is an art that many hone for years, it is a talent, a special intuition.”

“What’s so good about this endless waiting? You’re wasting time, you’re wasting energy, sitting in your ambush. And in the end you get the same conversion as a city dandy with a paid advertising campaign. No, no, this traffic is of a completely different kind. What kind, you ask me? Free, I’ll tell you. And if you’ve found that very treasured source, well, you’re lucky, the traffic will continue to flow from there for a long time. And that impudent guy with the purchased advertising, let him continue to pay. Ha-ha-ha.”

“To laugh as arrogantly as I do, you will have to work hard. Of course, you expect advice from me. Study your victim, I almost said the audience. But the audience is a word for ballet, and here we have no place for leggings and antics. And find your treasured source. It does not matter whether it is a social network, any of the currently popular ones, or a proven mailing or the tough world of organic search. All of them are difficult and demanding, but remember that your reward will be the most lively traffic, trembling in your hands. Free.”

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